Monday, April 16, 2012


Looking back over my posts I realize I focused a lot on the negative side of nursing: the long shifts, the hard work, and worst of all the patients that don't make it.  If I could start this assignment over, I think I would try to focus more on the positive.  I would try to use my words to convey those days when you walk of the floor fulfilled, happy and knowing you have a purpose.  I would talk more about the patients that heal both physically and spiritually.  The lessons you learn about yourself and those you're able to pass on to others.  The thing I'm most fearful of at this point is the idea that I may have scared someone away from this field.  For the record, that was the furthest thing from my mind.

I set out to identify the negative feelings and impact the profession of nursing has on those who practice it.  I personally feel as if I've done that.  I now know it is a common condition known as compassion fatigue.  I've also learned there are things that can be done to avoid it and when that's not possible, to treat it.  I've shared some personal stories along the way, both the good and the bad.  I guess you could say this blog has been more than an assignment in some class; it's been an emotional outlet for me.

Thank you all for reading and sharing in my ups and downs.  I hope you've all gotten something out of it.  I know I did.

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